If 2021 is your year to grow and you want to step our of your comfort zone but aren't sure where to start, come and hear Kathryn Spitznagle share her lessons learned on "Conditioning Yourself to Climb" at this month's Information & Libations.
Kathryn Spitznagle will provide “3 Simple Tools that Help Others Hone Their Leadership Skills,” sharing lessons learned and practical tools you can begin using today with your teams. She believes that owning your greatness is really about enabling others to own theirs.
We're kicking off Period Poverty Awareness with our inaugural Bloody Mary Brunch featuring guest speaker Kathryn Spitznagle. Join us for food, fun and music and help us pack up to 8,000 kits full of period supplies and information for those experiencing period poverty in our region.
WCBU/By Steve Tartar
July 25,2022
Kathryn Spitznagle was often the only woman in the room as she moved up the ladder at Caterpillar Inc.
Stepping Stones to Self Care for You & Your Business
You have a purpose and destiny, and these evolve as you grow. Discover tools that remind you of what you’ve accomplished, the amazing woman you are and the woman you are becoming. Envision the “Woman of Your Destiny," identify pieces of her that exist and pieces you want to develop. Then, create a plan to get there.
Order your Book and companion Tool Kit at this introductory price!