Director of Digital & Social, McDonald's
Business Manager, Renewal by Andersen, CI&QC
Executive Director, Sexual Assault Resource Center
Director of Global Comms, The Nature Conservancy
Marketing Manager, Renewal by Andersen, CI&QC
"Kathryn just gets it. As a mentor and coach, she validated my worldview but also challenged me to not stay there exclusively—she pushed me to grow. Her approach is inspirational but also simple, tactical and actionable. Her lessons are worth heeding. They’ve proved invaluable to me over the years.”
—Corrie Heck Scott, Director Global Communications for Food & Water Sustainability, The Nature Conservancy
“Rock Star Millennials didn’t just encourage the ‘work hard play hard’ mentality that I already had, it gave me tools and action items in speed mode to mold me into the person and leader I am striving to be. Here’s your action item: Read the book and learn from one of the best.”
—Amber Kienast, Marketing Manager, Renewal by Andersen of Central Illinois and Quad Cities
“I cannot thank Kathryn enough for the guidance and shift in mindset that not only has improved my professional life but my personal life as well!”
—Kelsey Meek, Business Manager, Renewal by Andersen of Central Illinois and Quad Cities
“I still use the 90-Day Log (3-Bucket Exercise) I learned at Caterpillar to onboard new employees. It helps us be super transparent about what’s working and what’s not. I also remember what Kathryn taught me when I went to Little Rock for my first job. She said, ‘Whether they’re in the office or in the factory, get to know your people.’”
—Adam Hamilton, Director of Digital and Social, McDonald’s
“This is truly one of the most inspiring pieces I have ever read.” —Lauren Carroll, Executive Director, Sexual Assault Resource Center
Kathryn features Millennials who are shining stars of this generation through her "Rock Star Millennials" podcasts. To subscribe to podcasts, submit a discussion topic or nominate a Rock Star Millennial in your world, drop us a line.
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